
Information about Ragdoll Cat

Information about Ragdoll Cat

Ragdoll cats are the most docile of all cat cat breeds that exist in this world. Ragdoll cat called because it is very like lying in your arms. Ragdoll cat is very affectionate and friendly so that it can be a pet and a good friend.

Ragdoll cats are very easy to teach. Based on the research, ragdoll cats will be eager to pay attention to the activity when you give them a bonus or reward for achievement.

Ann Baker a persian cat breeders in California, marrying in 1963 cat Blackie (black male Persian cat) with a cat named Josephine (white female cat with such physical angora fur is medium in length). The marriage that is the forerunner of Ragdoll cats. Ann Baker then set up a special organization ragdoll cat fans in 1971 that still stands today. Then there are husband and wife bought a pair of IRCA Ragdoll and intend to create standards and stabilizing the Ragdoll genetic traits to be accepted by all cat associations enthusiasts.

Of a breeding program with strict selection eventually produced Ragdoll standard properties. Then established the organization Ragdoll Fanciers Club International (RFCI) which aims to disseminate this race and make the rules and guidelines for Ragdoll breeders.

Color is dark brown cat, gray, white variations, blue, seal, lilac, etc.. Very calm temperament, fast bersosiasi and familiar with its owner, the famous smart, elegant, polite and perfect for kids.

Ragdolls are large cats characteristic, thick boned, heavy, have shoulders, chest, and paws are wide. Feathers long and thick, especially around the neck. Blue eyes, round and large. Feathers on the hind legs are longer than the front. As with other large-bodied cats, ragdoll adult at the age of three years. Females are usually smaller than males with an average weight of 5-7.5 kg, while males can weigh 6-10 kg or more. Ragdoll kittens were born with white color new colors then another appeared, and became an adult cat at the age of about 3 years.


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Information about Ragdoll Cat